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Maeker’s Sausage & Processing
Maeker’s Sausage and Processing is a family owned and operated processing plant and meat market located in Shiner, TX – the “Cleanest Little City in Texas.” We are a state inspected facility that currently offers a variety of quality hickory-smoked sausage products that are hand crafted in small batches. We offer fresh meats in our retail market, and we also provide custom slaughtering and processing of cattle, hogs, sheep and deer. Maeker’s sausage is available in numerous grocery stores, including HEBs, Wal-Marts, and Lowe’s Markets in the south-central Texas region as well as a variety of BBQ restaurants. Taste our sausage at these locations or come by our storefront in Shiner to get some Real Texas Sausage!
813 E. 116th St
Shiner, TX 77984
Shiner, TX 77984