Shiner Visitors Map
The official map of Shiner businesses for visitors and the community!
Calling All Businesses & Organizations
The Shiner Chamber of Commerce is organizing a fundraiser to support our local community, and we invite you to participate! Whether you are a business with a storefront open to the public, an active organization in Shiner, or just wanting to show your support for our community on this map, this fundraiser is for you!
What’s the Fundraiser? We are creating a Shiner Visitors Map, which will serve as a valuable resource for tourists, newcomers, and locals alike. This map will highlight key attractions, businesses, and services in our charming town.
Purchase a Spot
Choose from various advertising options, including featured placements and business listings. Your contribution will help us create an informative and visually appealing map.
Please provide the business logo, ad design, or description to [email protected] by June 30, 2024.
Map Design

Purchase a Spot
Donations to the Shiner Chamber of Commerce are not deductible as a charitable contribution, but are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.